The guiding ideals of Scientology

It's crucial to comprehend the fundamental tenets of the organization, whether you're new to Scientology or a devoted follower. You'll have a strong base to build your career if you recognize these principles.

Two of Scientology's core tenets are the ARC and KRC triangles. They comprise the three interconnected components knowledge, responsibility, and control. It is possible to enhance relationships and communication by using these triangles. Due to the interdependence of the terms, as one triangle point rises, the other points will follow suit.

Scientology is a religion that emphasizes communication and strongly emphasizes the human soul. It holds that dialogue serves as a conduit for reaching higher consciousness. The definition of communication is the sharing of ideas between two parties. According to Scientology, man is a spiritual being with boundless potential. Through communication, he can reach higher states of awareness, which results in some degree of affinity. A feeling of love is affinity. However, the triangle's affinity is not its most crucial feature.

Control is achieved through knowledge. You can control something better the more information you have. Also crucial is responsibility. To be able to recognize responsibility, you must first bear one. In 1952, the KRC triangle was first applied. It operates similarly to the ARC triangle. In the Scientology logo, it is the top triangle. The upper triangle shows the knowledge, responsibility, and control principles.

It's unlikely that you are unfamiliar with the Church of Scientology. The organization was started in 2006 by a clueless slacker and has become a virtual powerhouse. Numerous pseudoscientific adherents are a veritable goldmine of wisdom and mischievous young people. While others claim the rewards, some take credit for the honors. You can't help but be impressed by the sheer number of devotees, even though a little more investigation would reveal the duds occupying the echelon of the pack. The best part is that they're more than happy to talk about the details with you in the comfort of a sober setting.

It's enough to make you doubt your sanity to wear a name tag that identifies you as a follower of the Scientology cult. On the plus side, you'll be treated to a buffet of delicacies if you're fortunate enough to get a seat in the coveted front row. Your superiors, fortunately, probably have a different schedule. After all, who wants to engage in combat on a Saturday night? On the other hand, if you can get away with it, the sexpaternotties tend to snoop around the house. You must be prepared to endure it for a few months.


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