
Showing posts from June, 2022

Beliefs and Observances of the Scientology Religion

 According to Grant Cardone Scientology , this page discusses Scientology's Beliefs and Practices. This article focuses on Auditing, Thetas, Advanced Levels, and the Bridge to Total Freedom. Although Scientology includes a wide range of ideas and activities, we shall focus on the most prevalent. These should help you comprehend the variations between the several stages of the movement. We'll also talk about what Scientology means to people. Auditing Scientology beliefs and practices include taking notes that are permanently saved in a Preclear Folder. These notes must include a wide range of technical observations and information. For example, a Scientologist may describe hearing a past-life account from a fellow member during an audit. Despite Scientology's firm belief that the procedure may disclose past-life memories, the technique does not include spiritualist readings. Auditors are taught to listen to and interpret the orders of session participants. They are also taug